Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Send a Notification to Notification Group

Within Rules Management, administrators have the ability to author business rules that send notifications to members of a notification group when a new comment is added to an application. Using the Send Notification to Notification Group action template, rule authors are able to identify a statement that populates in the notifications page, as well as the severity and notification groups that are notified.

To begin authoring this type of rule, navigate to System Management > Origination > Rules Management and click  to open Rules Manager. Create a new rule using the EventProcessing category.

Within the If Statement, define the conditions which must be met in order for a notification to be sent to a notification group. For example: 

When authoring the Then Statement, select the "send notification to notification group" action template. Upon selecting this template, the following vocabulary populates: "send <text> with a severity of <select severity> to <notification group>."

Update the following field/text vocabulary placeholders to complete the rule action:

Placeholder Description

Allows rule authors to determine the notification statement that populates in the Notification listing page. This statement may be a blanket statement or a statement that includes a concatenation of application data. 

Including the application field “RecentComment" to the text enables application comments to display within the notification.
Select Severity Allows rule authors to determine whether the notification is informational or urgent. Click <select severity> and choose the notification's level of importance.
Notification Group

Contains a list of all the notification groups identified in System Management > Groups > Notification Groups. Click <notification group> and select the desired notification group. 

Uses the email addresses configured within System Management > Users > Email for each member of the notification group.

The example below provides a demonstration of a rule that sends notifications to specific notification groups based on the application status and channel. The first action in this example sends the recent comment to the Service Rep notification group. The second action sends a statement that includes a concatenation of application data to a vendor representative.

Sending Notifications for Attached Documents

Using Event Processing functionality, system administrators can automatically send a notification to a notification group each time a document is attached to an application. For example, when a document is electronically received from a third party connector and attached to the Temenos application, an event/action pair can be configured to automatically notify the applicable notification groups about the attachment.

Reference the table below for an overview of the configurations required to send a notification to a notification group when a document is attached to an application:

There are many ways to author a rule; the rule examples provided in the table below are to be used for example ONLY.
Configuration Where Configured Description

Author Event Processing Rule:

  • Entity - Application
  • Template - Send Notification to Notification Group
System Management > Origination > Rules Management

When this rule executes, the configured notification is sent directly to the assigned notification group to inform them of the attachment. The following example provides a demonstration of a rule that sends notifications to a specific notification group when pending documents for a specific document source type are attached to an application:

Configure Event/Action Pair:

  • Event - Document Attached to Application
  • Action - Execute Rules
    • Assign the Event Processing rule to the action to send the notification to the notification group about the attached document(s).

System Management > Origination > Event Processing

This Event/Action pair executes each time a document is attached to an application. Upon execution of the Document Attached to Application event, the rule assigned to the Execute Rules action fires to send a notification to the assigned notification group(s) about the attachment.

The Document Attached to Application event executes each time a document is attached to an application. If desired, a stop rule can be authored and assigned to the Execute Rules action to prevent the action from executing if the Document Source or Document Source Type does not meet a specific value, such as that of a third party connector. The following example provides a demonstration of a rule that stops the action from executing when the Document Source Type does not meet a specific value:



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